Even though we’re focusing on infrastructure, we should have some code to play with. We’ll use a simple Java class, one that merely says hello, and build everything else around it. We will put this onto a server, with (eventually!) a pipeline to deploy it, and a user management system so it can say hello to specific users; but we’re not going to add any functionality beyond greetings until that is all working.
Our first version of the class is this:
package com.riddlefox.greeting; public class Greeter { public static void main (String[] args) { System.out.println(greet("world")); } public static String greet(String name){ return "Hello " + name; } }
And we create this in the src/com/riddlefox/greeting. It’s a simple class that would work in almost any version of Java. But it already makes a lot of assumptions. These aren’t necessarily problems, as long as we’re aware of them. What can we say about this first class and what it implies about the project?
- We have placed this into a fairly uninformative package/folder structure. At this point, there isn’t any need for sub-modules, particularly with no other files to distinguish it from. A src folder in the project root and a package name of com.riddlefox.greeting are probably good enough for now.
- I haven’t added any Javadoc. Arguably, the class is too simple to need it yet, and I want to avoid the sort of Javadoc that simply repeats the method defintion. We’ll add a TODO about adding in Javadoc later on when the project is a little larger, and the method might be used without access to the source.
- I have misgivings around the use of the static keyword. It’s mainly there to make the main method concise. In terms of a single class this probably isn’t the end of the world, but if we add much more code such issues of style will become important.
- I also have misgivings around the name. As the joke goes, there are only two hard problems in computer programming, and I’m avoiding one of these hard problems. Again, as a project grows naming becomes more important.
- String management is an issue here. Changing the strings requires recompiling the class. There is also no means of internationalisation. These can both be added to the TODO list.
The issue of String management is a difficult one. It’s good to be able to update the strings on an application without redeploying, particularly when you have a monolith that takes time to deploy. However, it also adds a level of obfuscation to the code. If the application is easy to update, then redeploying it might not be a problem.
I’ve spent so long talking about this class that I am not going to actually compile it yet – that can wait until the next part. And we’re going to spend that entire post just talking about that. In the meantime, the latest version of the repository is on github.
PS – If you don’t know the joke, there are said to be two hard problems in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors.