
Speaking at Brighton Java on January 25th

I’m speaking at Brighton Java next week on How to Deploy Java Webapps the Hard Way. It’s currently fully booked, but it’s worth trying the waitlist. The talk looks at some of the issues I’ve written about on this blog, such as the complexities of even simple Java projects. I’ll also consider technical debt and how to cope when problems arise.

Java Web Development the Hard Way

Tools like Spring Boot now mean that you can produce a working service from a tweet’s worth of code. But too often rushing headlong into production can lead to problems later.

James Burt looks at the work needed to get a supportable Java service into production. Too often, in the hurry to release features, companies pile on technical debt until their code becomes unmanageable. How do you avoid getting into these situations? And what do you do if it’s already happened?

This talk will start with a simple Spring Boot service and look at the tools and techniques that should be added before going live, making a case for a slower, more sustainable pace of development. 

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