
The Importance of Blogging for Programmers

I started this weblog in November 2014 and have published 104 posts – a little under once a month. It has a very small readership. I still find it useful for two reasons. First, there are the reference posts that are useful documentation (for example recipes for GIS or a checklist of scheduling issues). Then there are the posts that help develop my thinking about things.

This latter type of post is a form of rubber ducking, and is useful even if nobody reads them. As EM Forster asked1, “How do I know what I think until I see what I say?” Writing about a subject is a useful form of deliberate practise that helps develop insights and skills.

The problem is that these posts take a lot of work to write, and I’ve abandoned dozens over the years – some of which would have been helpful for tracking my development on topics. I’d love to look back at how my thoughts on Generative AI have changed.

Over the next year, I want to write more about programming and my experience of it. But an important first stage of this is reducing the effort required to publish something useful.

I’ve been inspired by a recent post on this topic by Hamel Husein, Building an Audience Through Technical Writing: Strategies and Mistakes. There’s a lot of good advice in this post, but what stood out to me immediately was the idea of a voice-to-content pipeline. While I’ve used AI to transcribe written notes, I’d not actually made direct use of speech-to-text. Dictating the first part of this post has sped things up for me significantly.

Husein also discusses using AI models to help with generating the text, and I certainly want to explore creating prompts to help me with editing and proofreading (something Simon Willison discussed here).

An obvious question is why write public blog posts rather than keeping a private list? First, I think that preparing thoughts for public consumption produces better summaries. Also, I think there’s value in having a public archive where others can respond to your thoughts. This might not happen often, but it is good to make space for this.

One of the biggest challenges I face with blogging is that I want every post to be as perfectly written as those by people like Charity Majors or Joel Spolsky. But I do think there is a space for smaller, more personal posts and link posts – some of which might eventually provide a basis for deeper essays.

There’s only a tiny audience for what I write here, but the most important part of this audience is me. Over the coming year I plan to post more. GenAI is a revolutionary technology for software development, and I want to follow this closely. I also want to think more about my experiences as a software developer and improving as a programmer2.

  1. Although he did not apparently originate the quote. ↩︎
  2. I also want to think about the difference between being a programmer and a software developer. One seems to be more at the level of individual functions, and I think I’m better at the latter than the former. ↩︎
GenAI programming

The potential of ChatGPT for programmers

I’ve been meaning to post for some time about my first experiences of programming with ChatGPT, back in January. Ethan Mollick often suggests that people should try doing their job with ChatGPT for at least 10 hours to get a feel for its potential. Playing with ChatGPT for a short time has converted me from an AI cynic to an enthusiast.

Simon Willison wrote about his experiences coding with ChatGPT, concluding that AI-enhanced development makes him more ambitious with his projects.

Shortly after I read that post, I had a silly question related to watching movies. I order my watchlist at Letterboxd by the average rating on the site. But I began to wonder whether this was a good way to watch movies. Did my taste actually correlate with the overall site? Or would I be better off finding a different way to order the watch list?

The obvious way to check this is by writing a bit of code to do the analysis, but that seemed like a chore. I decided to put a few prompts into ChatGPT to see whether that helped. Within two minutes, I had a working python programme. There was a little bit of playing around to get the right page element to scrape, but essentially ChatGPT wrote me a piece of code that could load up a CSV file, use data in the CSV file to download a webpage, grab an item from the page and then generate another CSV file with the output.

I started with a simple initial prompt and asked for a series of improvements.

Can you show me an example of how to scrape a webpage using python, please? I need to find the content of an element with an id of “tooltip display-rating”, which is online. I also want to set the user agent to that of a browser.

(I also asked for a random time of between 1 and 2 minutes between each request to the website to be polite. I’m not supposed to scrape Letterboxd but it I figured it was OK as this was for personal use, and I am a paid member.)

This all went pretty well, and ChatGPT also talked me through installing python on my new Mac. The prompts I used were hesitant at first because I didn’t really know how far this was going to go. ChatGPT was also there to talk me through some python specific errors.

When I run this script, I get an error: “ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘requests'” What do I need to do to import this module

I get a warning when I run this command: “NotOpenSSLWarning: urllib3 v2 only supports OpenSSL 1.1.1+, currently the ‘ssl’ module is compiled with ‘LibreSSL 2.8.3’.” Is this something I need to fix? What should I do?

Before long I’d got this complete working piece of code and checked my hypothesis. Turns out that’s not a strong enough correlation to say anything either way.

While the example itself is trivial and the output inconclusive, it showed me that it was very possible to write decent quality code very quickly. I rarely use Python, but ChatGPT provided useful assistance in an unfamiliar language. Writing this code from scratch, even in Java, even using Stackoverflow, would have taken more time than it was worth. As Simon Willison says

AI-enhanced development doesn’t just make me more productive: it lowers my bar for when a project is worth investing time in at all. Which means I’m building all sorts of weird and interesting little things that previously I wouldn’t have invested the time in.

My immediate takeaway is that AI tooling has the potential to revolutionise programming. It’s not going to replace programmers, rather it’s going to reduce the threshold for a project to be viable and unlock a lot of work. Tim Harford made the same point recently, looking at the history of the spreadsheet. This is an exciting time, and I’m expecting to be very busy in the next few years. I’m also impressed at how effective a tutor ChatGPT is, breaking down its examples into straightforward steps.

It has taken me far longer to write this post than it did to produce the code.

java programming springboot

Refactoring and microservices

In recent cloud projects, I keep seeing the same Spring application anti-pattern. There are controllers for a number of REST endpoints. Each REST endpoint calls a separate class, which carries out the business logic for that action. The problem is that such classes can easily grow to a thousand lines or more, and I’ve often seen single methods over a hundred lines long – an anti-patten sometimes referred to as ‘god classes’. Code is sometimes extracted to private methods within these classes, which can obscure that there is a single execution flow hundreds of lines long. The addition of unit testing means that long, repetitive tests with complicated set-up are needed to provide coverage for branches deep within these classes. These complicated tests then make it difficult to refactor the code.

This problem comes from applying sensible principles in the wrong way. We have the Controller logic separate from the Business logic, and the Model managed by Spring Data classes. It’s a rough MVC pattern – and Spring makes this separation very easy. The problem is that the Controller logic is usually trivial, just an annotation that might as well have been put on the Service class. It’s this Service class that you really want to be split out into smaller classes.

One of the promises of microservices is that they should be nimble, something that can be quickly built and replaced. But such large classes produce microservices which are, basically, tiny monoliths. The complex tests act as a drag on refactoring, making the services little tangles of legacy code.

The Single Responsibility Principle is the sort of thing that comes up in interviews as one of the SOLID Principles, and I’ve never heard anyone argue that it’s a bad thing. Which makes it all the stranger that it does not seem to be applied in practise. Everyone seems to agree that god classes are a bad thing,

One answer here, which I’ve proposed before is to use TDD properly. This is the ideal way to solve the problem, preventing it from happening by applying best practise. In his recent book on Software Engineering, Dave Farley suggests that proper use of TDD avoids this sort of coupled code:

The strongest argument against TDD that I sometimes hear is that it compromises the quality of design and limits our ability to change code, because the tests are coupled to the code. I have simply never seen this in a codebase created with “test-first TDD.” It is common—I’d say inevitable—as a result of “test-after unit testing,” though. So my suspicion is that when people say “TDD doesn’t work,”  what they really mean is that they haven’t really tried TDD, and while I am sure that this is probably not true in all cases, I am equally certain that it is true in the majority and so a good approximation for truth.

The other potential solution is to enforce good class design with method size limits in quality-checking tools such as sonar. This restricts developer autonomy in an unpleasant manner, although this is better than the alternative of unmaintainable code. Farley suggests using tools to reject any method of more than a certain number of lines and parameters. He writes:

I will establish a check in the continuous delivery deployment pipeline, in the “commit stage,” that does exactly this kind of test and rejects any commit that contains a method longer that 20 or 30 lines of code. I also reject method signatures with more than five or six parameters. These are arbitrary values, based on my experience and preferences with the teams that I have worked on.

There are actually good arguments for this in that, as Farley points out, “Most optimizers in compilers simply give up trying once the cyclomatic complexity of a block of code exceeds some threshold”. But the most important thing here is that such limits force people out of writing procedural, linear code to produce business actions, and decompose these into single-responsibility classes. There are ways to write poor code within these constraints, but it’s not so easy to do.

books programming

A review of Dave Farley’s Modern Software Engineering

My colleague Luke Punnett recently recommended Dave Farley’s book ‘Modern Software Engineering’. While it’s not quite a classic, it’s a superb summary of the state of the art in software development. Anyone writing enterprise software should read this, and ideally follow the book’s advice.

Farley attempts to build a foundation for software engineering as a discipline using the scientific method. Writing code is formalised as a series of experiments, set within the process of ‘characterise, hypothesise, predict and experiment’: “Software engineering is the application of an empirical, scientific approach to finding efficient, economic solutions to practical problems in software.

What was most valuable about this book for me was getting a glimpse of how a very good and experienced software engineer approaches his work (Farley mentions a couple of times that he was involved in the LMAX exchange project).

There are several topics on which the book is particularly strong. Farley approaches agile from a fresh angle, renewing my faith in it – a faith that had been ground down by SaFE and ritualised agile processes. Farley is also excellent on test-driven development, arguing that TDD is not about producing code coverage, but a method of working that produces “a pressure … to write code that is more testable“. Farley then argues that testable code has the same attributes as code that is easy to maintain. There is also some excellent discussion of the pros and cons of microservices, arguing that their main strength is in allowing smaller, more focussed teams.

Robert C Martin’s Clean Code feels like it has reached the end of its life. People are less comfortable with what some of the guidelines that it proposes. Farley’s book is, I think, an excellent replacement. It is short and well-argued, and sets out a clear case for its recommendations. Some of the things Farley proposes – TDD, microservices, test automation etc – are still controversial in some companies. Hopefully this book will help towards their wider adoption.


What Do We Mean By Technical Debt?

The cat is a metaphor for technical debt

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about technical debt. It’s a great metaphor for how time is lost in programming projects but, like all metaphors, you have to be aware of where it stops working.

For example, when people compare national debts to household debts, this ignores how national banks control the supply of money, and that countries run into different problems to households when they’re over-extended.

Technical debt is, basically, time saved now which costs more later – taking tactical short cuts. It’s usefully compared to any other corporate debt, providing leverage for growth that would be impossible otherwise. The problem is that people don’t seem to track how much technical debt they’ve accrued and need to ‘pay back’. I’ve worked at a number of places where dealing with inefficient processes that were set up in a hurry took up a substantial amount of day-to-day work.

Having seem companies struggling with debt, I wonder if technical debt should be treated more like personal or household debt. Advice to people who are struggling with debt generally focusses on three points:

  1. Reduce outgoings to focus on paying off the debt
  2. Pay off the highest-interest debts first
  3. Do not save or invest anything until any costly debts are dealt with.

The software equivalent of expensive credit card debt is any inefficiencies or manual steps in repeated processes. If your regular work is taking longer than it should, there’s less time available for new things. So, like a household in debt, don’t try to invest in new things before sorting these existing inefficiencies. Fix the automated tests so no-one needs to reduce the manual checks on a release. Automate the entire release process. Improve testing to prevent disruptive production bugs.

Technical debt is a good thing when it’s used to provide leverage for growth. But, if you’re not tracking this debt accurately then maybe you should treat technical debt more like household debt, and prioritise reducing it to a manageable level. There’s no point investing in new features when you’re paying high interest on broken processes.


The Seven States of a Boolean Object

Everyone understands Boolean variables – they’re either true or they’re false. Right? Except, in languages, where the Boolean variable might be null, which makes comparing two Boolean values a little little trickier. And the DailyWTF once gave an example of a Boolean ENUM that could be true, false or file-not-found.

Long ago, when I worked for Tom Hume at Future Platforms, one of the developers suggested something more ambitious. After all, a three-state Boolean leaves too much room for ambiguity. By the time he was done, Thom Hopper had suggested 6 or 7 states for a Boolean variable. Tom Hume and I recently tried to remember as many as we could, but only got 5 or 6.

We tweeted Thom Hopper to see if he remembered, but the states of this variable are lost in time, like tears in rain. But, for the sake of posterity, I want to record some of the values that a proper Boolean type might hold:

• true
• false (obviously)
• null
• uninitialised (similar null – but this means a true/false has never been set)
• unknown (we’re currently not certain of the value)
• indeterminate (there’s no way of knowing this value)

I’ve love to be able to declare that this is stupid, but I don’t know. I mean, if you accept null as a Boolean state, where do you stop? Maybe Java needs a ‘true’ boolean that can take all of these states?

infrastructure programming

Living Without Pre-Production Environments

Would we be better off without test environments?

I try not to recommend too many talks, but I loved this one from Nicky Wrightson of Skyscanner about living without pre-production environments. It provides an interesting solution to a lot of problems with performance environments I’ve been thinking through. Trying to accurately reproduce live environments seems like a wasteful, quixotic endeavour and I kept wondering about was just not using them. This video is an encouragement to that thinking.

Talks are often very different to the reality in companies, but there are some great questions for anyone about what test environments are for. “Historically, we had lower environments that were like production so that we could test releases that we couldn’t confidently reason about the effect of the changes.”

The only performance test that actually matters is how the live environment. ”At the end of the day, just make it a lot easier to track issues in production with really well instrumented code rather than try to replicate those issues in lower environments”.

There will always be inherent differences between environments, which limits the ability to draw conclusions from them. Yes, H2 is great for integration testing, but it has subtle differences with Oracle and MySQL which need managing. In performance tests, replicating load is hard – data and traffic shapes are as important as infrastructure and code. And then there are all the environment specific configs to manage, and the bugs from that.

Obviously, doing away with testing environments is the sort of decision that gets people fired. But! Just imagine how much things would improve if it worked!

infrastructure programming

What’s So Special About Cloud Software?

One of the more interesting interview question I’ve been asked in the past few years was about the differences between cloud development and monoliths. I don’t think I gave the expected answer when I said that they’re not all that different

Yes, cloud environments are complicated but good cloud development relies on the sort of fundamentals that sometimes go wrong in monolith development.

Co-ordinating subscription renewals, credit card billing and confirmation emails is an example of working with distributed systems on a monolith. Do this in the wrong way and you billed a customer multiple times, or spammed their email. Trade-offs, failures and retries needed to be carefully considered.

A lot of applications take external systems for granted, rather than considering that they do sometimes go wrong. One place I worked coupled their login process to Salesforce. When Salesforce had an outage, their monolith shared it. When local filesystems have issues, applications will fail dramatically.

There are obvious differences between cloud and monolith development (not least the operational complexity), but both require an attention to the principles of software development. You don’t need a large system to be hit by the fallacies of distributed computing.


My Most Useful Technical Interview Question

One interview question that I’ve been using for about ten years seems to filter out more candidates than any other. It’s not a trick, and I still don’t understand how come it catches so many people. Sometimes I worry that there is something wrong with what I’m asking.

The question is this – using a text editor and not an IDE, write a simple method to take an integer as an argument and return the factorial. I make sure to explain what a factorial is and wait.

The people I’m interviewing are rarely novices. I’ve asked this from people with years of banking experience. Some of them had exciting CVs, with successful projects and all the skills I was looking for; they could talk fluently about complex technology. Yet they did not seem that familiar with code. I’ve senior developers struggle with writing a simple loop.

I ask a lot of other things in interviews. I try to be open-minded, searching for strengths rather than weaknesses. I don’t bother with tricky algorithm questions that people rehearse for interviews and forget once they get an offer. With everything else I ask, if a candidate doesn’t know the initial answer, I follow-up to find what they do know.

But I expect anyone going for a technical position to be comfortable writing a simple piece of code, to be familiar with what code looks like. Can you write a loop and check it? I try to account for the fact that the candidate might feel nervous, and might find the lack of an IDE challenging. Sometimes, I tell them not to worry too much about syntax, to use pseudocode if they like.

I’ve been interviewing developers for years, and that question is essential. The piece of code I ask for is trivial. I’ve heard of interviewers getting the same results with FizzBuzz. The example that I use is listed across the web as an interview cliche, something a prepared candidate would expect. A good candidate disposes of this quickly and moves to the next question; but some people struggle. The question shouldn’t work, but it does.


Some things learned in 20 Years of Software Development

I’ve now been a software developer for over 20 years. I started out thinking this would be a temporary diversion, but it’s grown to be something I love. I’ve been lucky enough have a wide experience of the industry, from mobile to microservices, and from three-person companies to multi-nationals. So, I decided to compress some of what I’ve learned into some short points:

  1. If a bug isn’t getting fixed this month, then you might as well not track it as you’ll never touch it. (or, to put it more positively – use a zero-bug strategy!)
  2. TDD is never going to take off. Everyone has automated tests, which is great, but I’ve never worked anywhere that used the proper TDD cycle in practise.
  3. Good project management is more important than methodology. Projects are just as messed up under agile as they were under waterfall, but we now have more meetings.
  4. The DRY principle is overrated. Too many people go for this ease of change rather than ease of reading. This is especially problematic in test code, which is mostly write-only.
  5. Focus on the data – I’ve always considered any computer system as a data-store with some code attached, and this works pretty well. If you get the transactions right, everything else will follow.
  6. The best code is simple. If it can’t be followed by junior colleagues, it’s too complicated.
  7. Projects rarely fail for technical reasons. Unless you’re doing something cutting-edge, the failure is due to something within your control. Software development is one of the least important parts of being a developer.
  8. Performance testing is hard.
  9. New technologies get less exciting as you compare them to things you already know. Like, gRPC is just fancy SOAP.