
Spring Bootstrap (and AngularJS!)

Over the past few weeks I’ve been working on my simple Java application, which I’m planning to put into a github archive as the basis for Java prototyping. The last thing needed  before doing this is to tidy up the front end.

I’m not a particularly experienced front-end developer – it’s a skill I’ve neglected over the years. But it’s hard to excuse not making some effort. A lot of people find it easier to appreciate a prototype when it looks a little polished.

In this post I’m going to summarise basic steps to add Bootstrap and AngularJS to a project (it’s not intended as a step-by-step tutorial!). Adding Angular is particularly useful as it allows the back-end to be sensibly separated from the front end. I’ve worked at too many places where a templated front-end became tightly coupled to the back-end. A REST server accessed via a Javascript framework like Angular is much more sensible. It forces the back-end to remain independent, with a clear, well-communicated API.

REST endpoints

Converting a Spring endpoint to use REST is ridiculously easy. I had a simple Spring Data repository that returned a list of RSS entries. The controller class was annotated with the @RestController annotation. Then there was a method returning a list of Entry objects:

public List<Entry> rest() {
  List<Entry> entries = new ArrayList<Entry>();
    if(entryRepository!=null) {
      entries = entryRepository.findAll();
  return entries;

The CrossOrigin annotation was there to allow me to access the endpoint from a local copy of the HTML page. This meant I could test changes to the static content without redeploying the Spring application.


Bootstrap is a front-end framework, designed to make it easier to produce decent looking UIs. Even at its most basic level, it avoids an HTML page looking like the dreary browser defaults. All that is needed it to adapt one of the basic templates.


I’m less confident about my AngularJS use than any other part of this project. It works, but I can’t guarantee that I’m using Angular in the most sensible or efficient way.

There are two files involved, a Javascript page and some changes to the HTML page. The relevant section of the HTML page is straightforward:

 <div ng-controller="Rss">
 <tr ng-repeat="entry in entries">
 <td>Title: {{entry.title}}</td>

The Javascript file contains the following method:

function Rss($scope, $http) {
  success(function(data) {
  $scope.entries = data;


While the front-end described here is not sophisticated, it improves signficantly upon the default UI provided by a browser. It also separates the UI clearly from a REST API for the backend, allowing the two to be worked on independently.


A quick note on Spring Integration

Another thing I’ve played with recently is Spring Integration, adding an RSS reader to the example I’m working with. There are a lot of examples of Spring Integration about the place, but there weren’t any doing exactly what I wanted – the clearest examples tended to rely on XML rather than annotations.

(An interesting discussion on a recent Java Council podcast discussed how common it was to find obsolete answers voted up on Stack Overflow. It’s easy to find answers to technical questions these days, but sometimes it’s harder to find the most up-to-date answer).

Anyway, I put together a working, if clunky, RSS reader, and thought I would make a quick summary of the changes it required.


Some new dependencies were needed in build.gradle:

 compile 'com.rometools:rome:1.6.0'


For the sake of expediency, I succumbed to a little XML. With a little more time, I could transalte this into the newer annotation format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
 xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:int=""
 <int:channel id="feedChannel">
 <int:queue />
 <feed:inbound-channel-adapter id="feedAdapter"
 channel="feedChannel" url="">
 <int:poller fixed-rate="30000" max-messages-per-poll="100" />

Controller Java class

I added a new method to my existing controller (which is turning into a little of a catch-all class – I’ll be a little more tidy when I come to do this as part of my Java infrastructure write-up)

public void setUpRssReader() {
  ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext( "/feed-bean.xml");
  // create a pollable channel
  PollableChannel feedChannel = context.getBean("feedChannel", PollableChannel.class);
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  // receive the message feed
     Message<SyndEntry> message = (Message<SyndEntry>) feedChannel.receive(1000);
     if (message != null) {
       SyndEntry entry = message.getPayload(); + " - " + entry.getTitle());
       Entry myEntry = new Entry(entry.getTitle(), entry.getLink());;
     } else {
       try {
       } catch (Throwable t) {
         // ignore

It’s not a particularly sophisticated example, but it illustrates how easy it is to set up simple integrations in Spring. I’m now going to proceed to set up a decent front end – once that is done, I can put it all together to make a very simple Java prototype.


Databases and continuous deployment


After my recent experiment I’m going to add in databases. One of the pain points in most deployments I’ve worked with is the need for database updates. These were always manually applied and, in some cases, required a time-consuming reversion if things went wrong. And, of course, the production database would never be quite in the state expected.

There are options for automatic deployment including Flyway and Liquibase. These maintain a database version number and apply any new scripts at application start-up. This also makes it easier to test deployments, as it becomes more obvious what state a particular database should be in. I’ve never understood why Flyway isn’t more commonly used. I think the main objection was that it requires a little more care in writing database scripts, taking care to make sure scripts are backwardly-compatible.

The advantage of a small test project is being able to test adding things without worrying about complicated regression problems. Adding flyway on its own also means that I can then add Spring Data on top of this and the database structure will always be under version control. Flyway has been chosen here since it uses standard SQL scripts rather than the custom language used by liquibase.

With Spring Boot, only two files needed to be edited to provide flyway support. The first was some additional dependencies to the build.gradle file:

compile "org.flywaydb:flyway-core:4.0"
compile 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.38'

I also added a new src/main/resources/ file which contained the database parameters. These are taken from environmental variables, meaning that the database credentials are not stored in the git repository anywhere. It also means the same war file can used on any server.


These changes in their own are enough to get flyway working. The Spring Boot logs show some relevant output, and at the end a new table is added to the database:


Adding database output to the application

The good thing about adding Flyway to the application before we have any database entries is that the database can be completely maintained through versioning. The next step is to add some more interesting database objects than a schema_version table.

I’m going to make a basic page displaying some page titles. On another occasion I can then connect this to Spring Integration to make a simple RSS reader. I’m going to summarise the changes that were made rather than go into them in detail as there are good Spring Guides on accessing data through JPA.


A new dependency was needed in the gradle script to set up thymeleaf


There was also a missing dependency needed to set up Tomcat. While there was a war file being produced beforehand, it was not doing some of the more advanced setup:

providedRuntime 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-tomcat'

Database Script

There is a simple database script in src/main/resources/db/migration which creates an entries table and adds a couple of entries.

Thymeleaf templates

There is a new index template in src/main/resources/templates, where the body iterates through the entries in the feeds table:

 <p th:text="'Hello, ' + ${name} + '!'" />
 <p th:each="entry : ${entries}"

We add a new database entry object, which links to the entries table and contains two properties, title and link.

A standard Spring Data repository containing a findAll() method.

This class required a number of changes to use the repository class as well as to enable it to work with Tomcat. Spring MVC was used to provide values for the templates:

model.addAttribute("entries", entryRepository.findAll());

The main catch was changing the class to provide a new definition:

public class Greeter extends SpringBootServletInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer {

There was also a new method needed to supply the basic configuration.

 protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
 return application.sources(Greeter.class);

Deploying to RDS

Setting up the RDS instance in AWS was relatively easy. The free tier I’m currently using provides a free small database, and there’s even a checkbox during set-up to restrict the available choices to ones under the free option. The contextual help here is excellent. With little work it was possible to set up a user on the instance and access them remotely.

There was an option in the AWS set-up to add the environmental variables for the Elastic Beanstalk instance. This supplied the database credentials to the war file.

Deploying the war to AWS via Jenkins required no changes, as it was already set-up. The only problem I had centered around making the database instance accessible to security groups – which would have been solved if I’d RTFM’d.


The main takeaway from this is that continous deployment is not, in itself, a complicated thing. It’s not taken long to set up a proof of concept, with a database backed site updating through Flyway. This basic model would be easy to replicate.

I’m going to make a few more additions to this example, adding Spring Integration to read from an RSS database, and some tidying up on the front end, most likely with Angular and Bootstrap. This will then provide the basis for building quick Java application prototypes.

And, of course, the information from these posts will be tidied up and incorporated back into my Java infrastructure posts.


Simple continuous deployment from Jenkins to AWS

I’ve been working away at my Java infrastructure series, but I had a spare afternoon, so I thought I’d play with continuous deployment to AWS. I used the current version of the infrastructure project as a basis, and followed Adao Feliz’s tutorial. I needed to make a few amendments to get it working, so I’ve noted these below.

Setting up continuous deployment for such a simple project may not be rocket science, but it provides a good basis for any further development – and it’s a lot easier than converting an existing project!

One significant change I did was converting the Spring Boot project I had to create a war file rather than a jar file. This required updating the Gradle file and making some changes to the Java file.

The instructions from the blog post are straightforward and in six steps:

  1. I already had jenkins running, and a github repository.
  2. I installed the new Jenkins plugins…
  3. …the S3 set-up was simple…
  4. …and the Elastic Beanstalk set-up was also very simple
  5. I used a copy of an existing Jenkins build, with no need to make amendments
  6. The only problem I had was with the deployment configuration, which seems to have changed a little since the tutorial I was following. The AWS credentials had to be added separately, at Manage Jenkins -> Configure System. Also, the version label format didn’t take some of the Jenkins variables I used, but build-${PROMOTED_NUMBER} seemed to work fine.

The result is simple but exciting. I commit a new change to the git repo, Jenkins picks it up then tests, builds and deploys the project. All it does at the moment is print a simple string, but it’s not going to be too hard to add in a database. But that can wait until next weekend!


An Enterprise Java Hello World

The ‘hello world’ program is of great importance to developers. It’s usually the first thing written when using a new language or framework, pretty much the simplest thing you can do: output 12 characters (assuming a newline). Writing the hello world program in C, the first time I’d written a compiled program, was an incredible moment for me: I could make the computer do something. This simple idea has an entry on wikipedia and a list of examples.

Hello World is supposed to be simple and there are a few jokes about Java EE hello world programs, mocking the framework for being long-winded and unwieldy – see for example, item 8 in The top Java viral jokes of 2014. In its defence, the contents page shown in the article covers a lot more than code, and is intended to get someone up and running from a bare-bones structure. But Java definitely doesn’t have the concision of Python’s print “Hello, world!”

One of the proud boasts for Spring Boot was how simple it was, with an example application that fitted into a single tweet (the link includes instructions for running it):


As easy as it is to get a Spring Boot application working, this is only part of the task of the development life-cycle. By focussing on the output, it’s easy to miss a lot of the non-functional aspects of an application. You can deploy a new piece of software to a server without making it easy for developers to work with. This is particularly dangerous with non-technical stakeholders who only see these non-functional requirements indirectly. It’s hard to prioritise infrastructure against features and bug-fixes. They are also incredibly difficult to fit into an application after it goes live.

I’ve recently set up a new application. The initial project was produced using Spring Initializr but, rather than start cutting code, I’ve been thinking about what else I need for a basic application. The essentials include:

  • Source control – and, preferably, some sort of branching and versioning strategy
  • Continuous integration and related process to make sure that new commits don’t break tests
  •  A deployment process allowing the same binary to deployed to immutable servers – preferably using some sort of container or virtualisation – preferably with the binary produced once and stored in a centralised location.
  • A means of externalising configuration for different environments
  • Some sort of monitoring and log management

It’s easy to drop a Spring Boot jar file onto a server and run it, but that’s not going to work in the long term and the easiest time to sort these infrastructural items in place is at a project’s start. The more complicated things become, the harder it is to add them in.

In short: an application isn’t just the software you are writing: it’s also the infrastructure that you put around it. In order to release and maintain an application you need to do a certain amount of work beforehand. Your hello-world application isn’t ready for production until these things are done.